Diversity 2(2). December 2010
Original Articles
Discovery of a healthy population of
the critically endangered freshwater snail Camptoceras
hirasei Walker, 1919 (Gastropoda: Pulmonata:
Planorbidae) in Okayama Prefecture, western Japan
Tsukasa ABE and Hiroshi FUKUDA
Abstract A healthy population of the
endangered freshwater snail Camptoceras
hirasei was found in a paddy field area at the
Yoshiigawa River System, Okayama Prefecture,
western Honshu. This is the second record and the
only living population of the species in the
Prefecture. It was confirmed that the species
reproduces in the present locality because many
minute juveniles and egg masses were found together
with adults. The species was found in small
channels and ditches with plants on muddy bottom at
a depth of 10-40 cm. The water current was flowing
at less than 1 cm/s. All of these channels/ditches
are temporal waters which are flooded only by rain
and/or irrigation. Around the present locality,
such habitats in flood plains should be conserved
because they are restricted to narrow range and
threatened by river improvements, paddy field
adjustments, and modifications of ways of
agriculture and land use.
Key words: habitat, paddy field area,
temporal waters, flood plain, conservation, San'yo
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Habitat environment of two endangered
arboreal land snails, Satsuma (Luchuhadra)
amanoi and S. (L.) eucosmia
eucosmia (Pulmonata: Camaenidae), in the secondary
forests of parkland in Okinawa, Japan
Masatoshi TAKEUCHI and Tomoyuki
Abstract Our objective was to evaluate
the habitat preference of two endangered arboreal
land snail species by counting the number of empty
shells in given areas. Density and spatial
distribution of the snail species Satsuma
(Luchuhadra) amanoi (Kuroda, 1960)
and S. (L.) eucosmia eucosmia
(Pilsbry, 1895) were investigated at two sites in
parks located at Maezato and Yaese, in the southern
area of Okinawa Island. These sites presented a
variety of green environments including trees of
Ficus (Moraceae), herbaceous plants, mantle
climbing plants, and limestone. The empty shell
densities of the two snail species were highly
variable within habitat quadrats, suggesting a
specific distribution pattern. More empty shells
were found in quadrates in which fig trees
(Ficus virgata Rewin.) and climbing plants
were well present, indicating a higher correlation
coefficient between the density of empty shells and
tree and plant coverage. Conversely, the absence of
or a weak relationship between shell density and
the degree of coverage by another fig tree,
Ficus microcarpa L. f., was also observed.
Key words: climbing plant, empty shell,
Moraceae, habitat tree, terrestrial snail, Okinawa
Island, Subtropical
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New distribution records of the
vulnerable freshwater snail Bithynia inabai Habe,
1985 (Caenogastropoda: Bithyniidae) in northern Hyogo
Prefecture and Shimane Prefecture, western Japan
Yuki TATARA, Hiroko TAKEDA and Hiroshi
Abstract Although the natural populations
of Bithynia inabai were known only from
southern Hyogo Prefecture and central to eastern
Okayama Prefecture, we found the species in
Toyooka-shi and Yabu-shi, both northern Hyogo
Prefecture and Izumo-shi, Shimane Prefecture for
the first time. This species was regarded as a
possible alien species, but we conclude herein that
it is a native species endemic to the narrow range
from the western Kinki District to the eastern
Chugoku District because it is found mainly in well
preserved habitats accompanied with some other
endangered animals, e.g. Cipangopaludina laeta,
Lethocerus deyrollei and Appasus
Key words: Rissooidea, rare species,
introduced species, distribution, conservation,
rice field, Toyooka-shi, Izumo-shi
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An introduced individual of Satsuma
myomphala (Pulmonata: Camaenidae) into Yamagata
Prefecture, northern Honshu, Japan
Hiroshi FUKUDA
Abstract live juvenile individual of
Satsuma myomphala (Martens, 1865) was found
from Yuza-machi, Akumi-gun, northwestern corner of
Yamagata Prefecture, northern Honshu. This species
has been known to be distributed in southwestern
Honshu (the Kanto Region and westwards), Shikoku
and Kyushu and never been recorded from the Tohoku
Region. Because the present locality was a garden
neighbouring human habitation, the individual was
probably introduced from western Japan. Although
the juvenile shells of S. myomphala and the
congener S. omphalodes (Pilsbry, 1901) are
quite similar in having widely open umbilicus, it
was confirmed that their juveniles are
distinguishable from each other in the
presence/absence of reddish purple colouration on
the inside wall of umbilicus and the present
individual is S. myomphala.
Key words: Satsuma omphalodes,
land snail, distribution, Red Data Book,
Yuza-machi, Akumi-gun, Tohoku Region
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Discovery of males of the alien
aquatic snail Potamopyrgus antipodarum (Gray, 1843)
(Caenogastropoda: Rissooidea) in Japan, with notes on the
new localities
Daichi OGATA, Akane IIDA, Miki NAKAJIMA,
Ayuka YAMASAKI, Tetsuji SONOHARA, Yuki TATARA and Takuma
Abstract The hydrobiid snail
Potamopyrgus antipodarum (Gray, 1843) has
been introduced into many countries and rapidly
spreading in modern Japan. Three new localities of
the species were found in Ibaraki and Chiba
prefectures. Although the species was known as
parthenogenetic only with females in most of
introduced populations, we discovered the males
from Inage, Chiba-shi, Chiba Prefecture. This is
the first record of the male in Japan. In the
population, it was experimentally confirmed that
females can reproduce without copulation and no
evidence of sexual reproduction was provided. We
also investigated the habitats of the species in 10
localities from Aomori to Miyazaki prefectures.
Their habitats were extremely variable in the
salinity of water and the presence/absence of water
Key words: Hydrobiidae, introduced
species, parthenogenesis, sex reproduction,
freshwater, brackish water, habitat
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