Volume 2, Number 2


原著  Original Articles

阿部 司・福田 宏:絶滅危惧種カワネジガイ(腹足綱:有肺目:ヒラマキガイ科)の岡山県における新産地

Takuma HAGA: Discovery of a healthy population of the critically endangered freshwater snail Camptoceras hirasei Walker, 1919 (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Planorbidae) in Okayama Prefecture, western Japan


竹内将俊・青野倫行:公園内の二次林における沖縄産絶滅危惧陸生貝類アマノヤマタカマイマイとオキナワヤマタカマイマイ (有肺目:ナンバンマイマイ科)の生息環境

Masatoshi TAKEUCHI and Tomoyuki AONO: Habitat environment of two endangered arboreal land snails, Satsuma (Luchuhadra) amanoi and S. (L.) eucosmia eucosmia (Pulmonata: Camaenidae), in the secondary forests of parkland in Okinawa, Japan


多々良有紀・武田広子・福田 宏:兵庫県北部及び島根県から発見された稀少淡水棲貝類イナバマメタニシ(新生腹足類:エゾマメタニシ科)の新産地

Yuki TATARA, Hiroko TAKEDA and Hiroshi FUKUDA: New localities of the vulnerable freshwater snail Bithynia inabai Habe, 1985 (Caenogastropoda: Bithyniidae) in northern Hy?go Prefecture and Shimane Prefecture, western Japan


福田 宏:山形県に移入されたコベソマイマイ(有肺目:ナンバンマイマイ科)

Hiroshi FUKUDA: An introduced individual of Satsuma myomphala (Pulmonata: Camaenidae) into Yamagata Prefecture, northern Honshu, Japan


緒方大地・飯田 茜・中島美貴・山崎愛柚香・園原哲司・多々良有紀・芳賀拓真:外来水棲腹足類コモチカワツボ(新生腹足類:リソツボ上科)における日本初の雄性個体の発見ならびに新産地

Daichi OGATA, Akane IIDA, Miki NAKAJIMA, Ayuka YAMASAKI Tetsuji SONOHARA,Yuki TATARA and Takuma HAGA: Discovery of males of the alien aquatic snail Potamopyrgus antipodarum (Gray, 1843) (Caenogastropoda: Rissooidea) in Japan, with notes on the new localities


Molluscan Research 30巻 2号(2010年7月刊行)掲載論文の抄録  Reviews of papers on Molluscan Research vol. 30, no. 2 (December 2010)

芳賀拓真:Morton, B. & Dinesen, G. E. アジア淡水域へのイガイ科二枚貝の進出 ― カンボジア産 Sinomytilus harmandiLimnoperna fortunei カワヒバリガイの比較
Takuma HAGA: Morton, B. & Dinesen, G. E. 2010. Colonization of Asian freshwaters by the Mytilidae (Bivalvia): a comparison of Sinomytilus harmandi from the Tonle-Sap River, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, with Limnoperna fortunei. Molluscan Research, 30(2): 57-72.

柴田健介:Chang, C.-H., Mok, H.-K., Huang, L.-G. & Chang, Y.-W. 裸鰓類の外皮骨片形態における体の部位間及び種間の変異
Kensuke SHIBATA: Chang, C.-H., Mok, H.-K., Huang, L.-G. & Chang, Y.-W. 2010. Differentiation according to body region and interspecific variation in the morphology of integumentary spicules of nudibranchs. Molluscan Research, 30(2): 73-80.

多留聖典:Huffard, C. & Godfrey-Smith, P. コモンシドニーオクトパスとメジロダコの配偶行動の野外における観察
Masanori TARU: Huffard, C. & Godfrey-Smith, P. 2010. Field observations of mating in Octopus tetricus Gould, 1852 and Amphioctopus marginatus (Taki, 1964) (Cephalopoda: Octopodidae). Molluscan Research, 30(2): 81-86.

福田 宏:Dayrat, B. Onchidium vaigiense(腹足綱:有肺類:ドロアワモチ科)の比較解剖と分類
Hiroshi FUKUDA: Dayrat, B. 2010. Comparative anatomy and taxonomy of Onchidium vaigiense (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Onchidiidae). Molluscan Research, 30(2): 87-101.

亀田勇一:Zhou, Y.-B., Zhuang, J.-L., Yang, M.-X., Zhang, Z.-J., Wei, J.-G., Peng, W.-X., Zhao, G.-M., Zhang, S.-M. & Jiang, Q.-W. 日本住血吸虫の中間宿主ミゾヒダニナの低温耐性及び世界的な気候変化との関連
Yuichi KAMEDA: Zhou, Y.-B., Zhuang, J.-L., Yang, M.-X., Zhang, Z.-J., Wei, J.-G., Peng, W.-X., Zhao, G.-M., Zhang, S.-M. & Jiang, Q.-W. 2010. Effects of low temperature on the schistosome-transmitting snail Oncomelania hupensis and the implications of global climate change. Molluscan Research, 30(2): 102-108.

中野智之:Bonfitto, A. アデン湾の漸深海域から採集された Epitonium (Connexiscala) の1新種
Tomoyuki NAKANO: Bonfitto, A. 2010. A new Connexiscala (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Epitoniidae) from the bathyal zone of the Gulf of Aden. Molluscan Research, 30(2): 109-112.

多々良有紀:Shen, H., Wang, L., Dai, X. & Shi, Z. Onchidium struma(腹足綱: 有肺類: 収眼類)の核型
Yuki TATARA: Karyotypes in Onchidium struma (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Systellommatophora). Molluscan Research, 30(2): 113-116.


観察会報告 Account of excursion

福田 宏:2010 年度軟体動物多様性学会夏季例会(岡山)報告

Hiroshi FUKUDA: Account of the 2010 summer meeting of the Society for the Study of Molluscan Diversity in Okayama Prefecture, western Honshu


会記 Proceedings

2010年度総会議事録,会員異動,Molluscan Diversity 2(1) 訂正,入会案内
