Volume 2, Number 1
原著 Original Articles
オオノガイ目: ニオガイ科)の分布の現状
HAGA: The distribution of the pholadid Aspidopholas
yoshimurai (Bivalvia: Myida) in Japan
福田 宏・多々良有紀:徳島県伊島で新たに確認された非海産貝類―特にタナゴジマスメアゴル(新称;腹足綱:有肺目:スメアゴル科)の発見
Molluscan Research 30巻
1号(2010年3月刊行)掲載論文の抄録 Reviews of papers on
Molluscan Research vol. 30, no. 1 (March 2010)
亀田勇一:Kohler, F.
西オーストラリア州ボナパルト諸島産ナンバンマイマイ科貝類の2新属と3新種 福田 宏:KShu, F.Y., Kohler, F. & Wang, H.Z.
中国南西部雲南高地の湖沼に産するコブタニシ属の絶滅危惧種2種の殻と歯舌の形態 氏野 優:Ujino, S. & Matsukuma, A.
ニッコウガイ科)の3種における逆転した生息姿勢 芳賀拓真:Palais, F., Jubeaux, G., Dedourge-Geffard,
O., Biagianti-Risbourg, S. & Geffard, A.
淡水性二枚貝カワホトトギスの晶桿体及び消化盲嚢におけるアミロース分解活性とセルロース分解活性 浅見崇比呂:Utsuno, H., Kasem, S., Fukuda, H. &
Asami, T. キセルガイのラセミ現象と異旋交配 飯島明子:Barbosa, S.S., Kelaher, B.P. & Byrne, M.
熱帯潮間帯のオニヒザラガイの個体数・成長・サイズのパターン 多々良有紀:Beu, A. G. & Marshall, B. A.
ニュージーランド産 Austorofusus Kobelt, 1879 は
Aethocola Iredale, 1915
に置換される(軟体動物門:腹足綱:Buccinulidae) 福田 宏:Ponder, W. F. Kapala Ponder,
会記 Proceedings
会員異動,入会案内,Molluscan Diversity 投稿規定
Yuichi KAMEDA: Kohler, F. 2010. Three
new species and two new genera of land snails from the
Bonaparte Archipelago in the Kimberley, Western Australia
(Pulmonata, Camaenidae). Molluscan
Research, 30(1): 1-16.
Hiroshi FUKUDA: Shu, F.Y., Kohler, F.
& Wang, H.Z. 2010. On the shell and radular morphology
of two endangered species of the genus Margarya
Nevill, 1877 (Gastropoda: Viviparidae) from lakes of the
Yunnan Plateau, Southwest China. Molluscan
Research, 30(1): 17-24.
Suguru UJINO: Ujino, S. &
Matsukuma, A. 2010. Inverse life positions of three species
in the genus Cadella (Bivalvia: Tellinidae).
Molluscan Research, 30(1): 25-28.
Takuma HAGA: Palais, F., Jubeaux, G.,
Dedourge-Geffard, O., Biagianti-Risbourg, S. & Geffard,
A. 2010. Amylolytic and cellulolytic activities in the
crystalline style and the digestive diverticulae of the
freshwater bivalve Dreissena polymorpha (Pallas,
1771). Molluscan Research, 30(1):
Takahiro ASAMI: Utsuno, H., Kasem,
S., Fukuda, H. & Asami, T. 2010. Genetic basis of
racemism and ease of interchiral mating in a clausiliid
species of snails. Molluscan Research,
30(1): 37-47.
Akiko IJIMA: Barbosa, S.S., Kelaher,
B.P. & Byrne, M. 2010. Patterns of abundance, growth and
size of the tropical intertidal chiton Acanthopleura
gemmata. Molluscan Research, 30(1):
Yuki TATARA: Beu, A. G. &
Marshall, B. A. 2010. Austrofusus Kobelt, 1879
replaced by Aethocola Iredale, 1915 in New Zealand
(Mollusca: Gastropoda: Buccinulidae). Molluscan
Research, 30(1): 53-55.
Hiroshi FUKUDA: Ponder, W. F. 2010. A
replacement name for Kapala Ponder, 1982 (Gastropoda:
Buccinidae). Molluscan Research, 30(1):