Volume 3, Number 1


原著  Original Articles


Tomoyuki NAKANO: Discovery of a living Cypraea tigris (Gastropoda: Cypraeidae) from Amakusa, on the East China Sea coast of Kyushu, Japan


岩崎敬二・福田 宏:秋田県男鹿市で発見された外来二枚貝類コウロエンカワヒバリガイ(イガイ科)の死殻

Keiji IWASAKI and Hiroshi FUKUDA: A find of an empty shell of the non-indigenous mytilid bivalve Xenostrobus securis (Lamarck, 1819) at Oga City, Akita Prefecture, northern Japan


福田 宏・多々良有紀:鹿児島県で発見された絶滅危惧種オキヒラシイノミ(腹足綱:有肺目:オカミミガイ科)の新産地

Hiroshi FUKUDA and Yuki TATARA: Discovery of a new locality of the critically endangered ellobiid snail Pythia cecillei (Philippi, 1847) (Gastropoda: Pulmonata) from Kagoshima Prefecture, southern Japan



Yuki TATARA: A caecid (Gastropoda: Rissooidea) without the distinct eyes from Hachijo Island, Japan


Molluscan Research 30巻 3号(2010年12月刊行)掲載論文の抄録  Reviews of papers on Molluscan Research vol. 30, no. 3 (December 2010)

福田 宏:van der Meij, S.E.T., Moolenbeek, R.G. & Dekker, H. マルオミナエシ種群 (二枚貝綱: マルスダレガイ科),2新種の記載と共に
Hiroshi FUKUDA: van der Meij, S.E.T., Moolenbeek, R.G. & Dekker, H., 2010. The Lioconcha castrensis species group (Bivalvia: Veneridae), with the description of two new species. Molluscan Research, 30(3): 117-124.

更科 功:Welladsen, H.M., Southgate, P.C. & Heimann, K. 海洋酸性化がアコヤガイ (二枚貝綱: ウグイスガイ科) の貝殻におよぼす影響
Isao SARASHINA: Welladsen, H.M., Southgate, P.C. & Heimann, K. 2010. The effects of exposure to near-future levels of ocean acidification on shell characteristics of Pinctada fucata (Bivalvia: Pteriidae). Molluscan Research, 30(3): 125-130.

柚原 剛:Andrews, V., Middelfart, P., Creese, R.G., Broad, A. & Davis, A.R. シドニー沿岸域での外来種ニュージーランドウミニナの分布と個体数の現状
Takeshi YUHARA: Andrews, V., Middelfart, P., Creese, R.G., Broad, A. & Davis, A.R. 2010. Distribution and abundance of the introduced gastropod Zeacumantus subcarinatus in the Sydney Region. Molluscan Research, 30(3): 131-137.

氏野 優・芳賀拓真・多留聖典:Tanyaros, S. ダイオウナミノコ Donax scortum (Dance, 1982) の砂排出
Suguru UJINO, Takuma HAGA and Masanori TARU: Tanyaros, S. 2010. Sand elimination by Donax scortum (Dance, 1982) (Bivalvia: Donacidae). Molluscan Research, 30(3): 138-142.

芳賀拓真:Hallan, A. & Willan, R. 熱帯北オーストラリア産 Lentidium 属の2新種 (オオノガイ目: シコロクチベニガイ科): 注目すべき淡水?汽水棲の二枚貝類
Takuma HAGA: Hallan, A. & Willan, R. 2010. Two new species of Lentidium (Myida: Corbulidae) from tropical northern Australia: remarkable fresh/fluviatile to brackish-water bivalves. Molluscan Research, 30(3): 143-153.

多々良有紀:Acik, S. & Salman, A. 東地中海産ダンゴイカ科8種 (頭足綱) の顎板による体サイズの推定
Yuki TATARA: Acik, S. & Salman, A. 2010. Estimation of body size from the beaks of eight sepiolid species (Cephalopoda: Sepiolidae) from the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. Molluscan Research, 30(3): 154-164.

中野智之・福田 宏:Garilli, V. & Parrinello, D. イタリアの新生代後期産リソツボ科アラレキビツボ属の新化石種2種
Tomoyuki NAKANO and Hiroshi FUKUDA: Garilli, V. & Parrinello, D. 2010. Two similar new species of Alvania Risso, 1826 (Caenogastropoda: Rissoidae) from the late Cenozoic of Italy. Molluscan Research, 30(3): 165-175.


シンポジウム報告 Account of symposium

佐藤正典ほか:軟体動物多様性学会2010年度大会における「有明海の生物多様性保全のための四学会合同シンポジウム: 有明海の特異な生物相-諌早湾の環境復元の意義-」の報告

Masanori SATO et al.: Account of the Joint Symposium by Four Societies for the Biodiversity Conservation of the Ariake Inland Sea: its Unique Fauna, with Emphasis on the Significance of Restoration of Isahaya Bay


観察会報告 Account of excursion

福田 宏:2010 年度軟体動物多様性学会大会観察会(天草)報告

Hiroshi FUKUDA: Account of the field trip at the 2010 annual meeting of the Society for the Study of Molluscan Diversity in Amakusa, Kyushu


会記 Proceedings

会員異動,入会案内,Molluscan Diversity 投稿規定
