Volume 3, Number 2
原著 Original Articles
Molluscan Research 31巻
1号(2011年4月刊行)掲載論文の抄録 Reviews of papers on
Molluscan Research vol. 31, no. 1 (April 2011)
芳賀拓真:Luque, I.A., Geiger, D.L. & Rolan, E.
クチキレエビス科ヒラエントツエビス属(腹足綱)の再検討 多留聖典・亀田勇一:Quinteiro, J., Baibai, T.,
Oukhattar, L., Soukri, A., Seixas, P. & Rey-Mendez, M.
マダコにおけるマイクロサテライトDNA解析を用いた多夫の実証 氏野 優:Ujino, S. & Matsukuma, A.
堆積物中における内生二枚貝5種の生息姿勢の復帰行動 椿 玲未:Minione, M., Saucedo, P., Southgate, P.
penguinマベの性比と性発達,および殻の相対成長 亀田勇一:Smith, S.D.A.
シラナミガイの分布南限,オーストラリア東部亜熱帯におけるその成長と個体群動態 亀田勇一:Smith, S.D.A.
オーストラリア ニューサウスウェールズ州北部,ソリタリーアイランド海洋公園におけるサンゴ穿孔性二枚貝
Lithophaga lessepsiana の生息密度 芳賀拓真:Marshall, B. ニュージーランド南部
ヒカリモノアラガイ属の1新化石種と生物地理学的示唆 飯島明子:O'Connor, W.A. & O'Connor, S.J.
Donax (Plebidonax)
deltoids(フジノハナガイ科,二枚貝綱)の初期発生 花岡皆子:Cueto, J.A., Giraud-Billoud, M., Vega, I.A.
& Castro-Vazquez, A.
スクミリンゴガイの血リンパの血漿組成 多々良有紀・多留聖典:Beu, A.G. & Marshall, B.A.
撤回: やはりイボミクリガイはAustrofusus Kobelt,
Molluscan Research 31巻
2号(2011年7月刊行)掲載論文の抄録 Reviews of papers on
Molluscan Research vol. 31, no. 2 (July 2011)
多々良有紀・多留聖典:Criscione, F. & Ponder, W.F.
現生オーストラリア産 Merelina Iredale, 1915
の再検討(新生腹足上目: リソツボ科) 花岡皆子:Du Li-Na., Yang Jun-Xing & Chen
中国雲南省のコマガタツヤタニシ属(新生腹足上目:タニシ科)の1新種 中野智之:Morton, B.
西オーストラリア北西部の砂浜におけるヒトスジヨフバイの行動とオリイレヨフバイ科における食性のレヴュー 佐藤慎一・芳賀拓真・山下博由:Sato, S., Owada, M.,
Haga, T., Hong, J.S., Lutzen, J. & Yamashita, H.
シャミセンガイ腕足類に付着するウロコガイ上科二枚貝シャミセンヒキの属特異的共生 飯島明子:Caddy-Retalic, S., Benkendorff, K. &
Fairweather, P.G.
ホットスポットの可視化:潮間帯性腹足類の内部温度モニターへの熱画像の応用 後藤龍太郎:Lutzen, J., Berland, B. & Bristow,
G.A. 内部共生性二枚貝類 Entovalva nhatrangensis
(Bristow, Berland, Schander & Vo, 2010) (ウロコガイ上科)
の形態 柚原 剛:Huelsken, T. 腹足綱タマガイ科Conuber
sordidus がミナミコメツキガニ類(甲殻類:ミナミコメツキガニ科)に対し穿孔性捕食を行っていた最初の事例 中野智之:Holmes, S.P., Duncan, P.F. & Schnabel,
K.E. Calliostoma alertae に見られる殻拭き行動 花岡皆子:Morton, B. 訃報(全訳):John
Morton(1923年7月18日−2011年3月6日) 理学士,理学修士(オークランド大学),学術博士,理学博士(ロンドン大学),ニュージーランド王立協会特別研究員,女王功績勲章受勲者
観察会報告 Account of excursion
Yasuhiro KUWAHARA and Masanori TARU:
Account of the 2011 summer meeting of the Society for the
Study of Molluscan Diversity in Hokkaido Prefecture (the
first part)
会記 Proceedings
Diversity 投稿規定
Takuma HAGA: Luque, I.A., Geiger,
D.L. & Rolan, E. 2011. A revision of the genus
Satondella Bandel, 1998 (Gastropoda, Scissurellidae).
Molluscan Research, 31(1): 1-14.
Masanori TARU and Yuichi KAMEDA:
Quinteiro, J., Baibai, T., Oukhattar, L., Soukri, A.,
Seixas, P. & Rey-Mendez, M. 2011. Multiple paternity in
the common octopus Octopus vulgaris (Cuvier, 1797),
as revealed by microsatellite DNA analysis. Molluscan
Research, 31(1): 15-20.
Suguru UJINO: Ujino, S. &
Matsukuma, A. 2011. Re-establishment of life orientations in
five infaunal bivalve species in soft substrata.
Molluscan Research, 31(1): 21-29.
Remi TSUBAKI: Minione, M., Saucedo,
P., Southgate, P. 2011. Sexual development, sex ratio and
morphometrics of Pteria penguin (Bivalvia:
Pteriidae), in north-eastern Australia. Molluscan
Research, 31(1): 30-36.
Yuichi KAMEDA: Smith, S.D.A. 2011.
Growth and population dynamics of the giant clam Tridacna
maxima (Roeding) at its southern limit of distribution
in coastal, subtropical eastern Australia. Molluscan
Research, 31(1): 37-41.
Yuichi KAMEDA: Smith, S.D.A. 2011.
Densities of the endolithic bivalve Lithophaga
lessepsiana (Vaillant, 1865) in Pocillopora
damicornis, Solitary Islands Marine Park, northern NSW,
Australia. Molluscan Research, 31(1):
Takuma HAGA: Marshall, B. 2011. A new
species of Latia Gray, 1850 (Gastropoda: Pulmonata:
Hygrophila: Chilinoidea: Latiidae) from Miocene Palaeo-lake
Manuherikia, southern New Zealand, and biogeographic
implications. Molluscan Research, 31(1):
Akiko IJIMA: O'Connor, W.A. &
O'Connor, S.J. 2011. Early ontogeny of the pipi,
Donax (Plebidonax) deltoides
(Donacidae; Bivalvia). Molluscan Research, 31(1):
Minako HANAOKA: Cueto, J.A.,
Giraud-Billoud, M., Vega, I.A. & Castro-Vazquez, A.
2011. Haemolymph plasma constituents of the invasive snail
Pomacea canaliculata (Caenogastropoda,
Architaenioglossa, Ampullariidae). Molluscan
Research, 31(1): 57-60.
Yuki TATARA and Masanori TARU: Beu,
A. G. & Marshall, B. A. 2011. Austrofusus glans
(Roeing, 1798) is the type species of Austrofusus
Kobelt, 1879 (Gastropoda: Buccinulidae). Molluscan
Research, 31(1): 61-62.
Yuki TATARA and Masanori TARU:
Criscione, F. & Ponder, W.F. 2011. A review of Recent
Australian species of Merelina Iredale, 1915
(Caenogastropoda: Rissoidae). Molluscan Research,
31(2): 65-84.
Minako HANAOKA: Du Li-Na., Yang
Jun-Xing & Chen Xiao-Yong. 2011. A new species of
Trochotaia (Caenogastropoda: Viviparidae) from
Yunnan, China. Molluscan Research,
31(2): 85-89.
Tomoyuki NAKANO: Morton, B. 2011.
Behaviour of Nassarius bicallosus (Caenogastropoda)
on a northwestern Western Australian surf beach with a
review of feeding in the Nassariidae. Molluscan
Research, 31(2): 90-94.
Shin'ichi SATO, Takuma HAGA and
Hiroyoshi YAMASHITA: Sato, S., Owada, M., Haga, T., Hong,
J.S., Lutzen, J. & Yamashita, H. 2011. Genus-specific
commensalism of the galeommatoid bivalve Koreamya
arcuata (A. Adams, 1856) associated with lingulid
brachiopods. Molluscan Research, 31(2):
Akiko IJIMA: Caddy-Retalic, S.,
Benkendorff, K. & Fairweather, P.G. 2011. Visualizing
hotspots: Applying thermal imaging to monitor internal
temperatures in intertidal gastropods. Molluscan
Research, 31(2): 106-113.
Ryutaro GOTO: Lutzen, J., Berland, B.
& Bristow, G.A. 2011. Morphology of an endosymbiotic
bivalve, Entovalva nhatrangensis (Bristow, Berland,
Schander & Vo, 2010) (Galeommatoidea). Molluscan
Research, 31(2): 114-124.
Takeshi YUHARA: Huelsken, T. 2011.
First evidence of drilling predation by Conuber
sordidus (Swainson, 1821) (Gastropoda: Naticidae) on
soldier crabs (Crustacea: Mictyridae). Molluscan
Research, 31(2): 125-132.
Tomoyuki NAKANO: Holmes, S.P.,
Duncan, P.F. & Schnabel, K.E. 2011. Shell wiping in
Calliostoma alertae Marshall, 1995 (Calliostomatidae;
Trochoidea). Molluscan Research,
31(2): 133-135.
Minako HANAOKA: Morton, B. 2011.
Obituary: John Morton B.Sc, M.Sc. (Auckland), Ph.D., D.Sc.
(London), FRSNZ, QSO (18 July 1923-6 Marchi 2011).
Molluscan Research, 31(2): 136-140.