Volume 4, Numbers 1-2


原著  Original Articles


Takafumi ENYA and Akihiko SUZUKI: Discovery of the striped bonnet, Phalium flammiferum (Roeding, 1798) (Gastropoda: Cassidae), on the beach of Kaminokuni-cho, southwestern Hokkaido, Japan


川瀬基弘・西尾和久・森山昭彦・市原 俊・桜井栄一:ミヤマヒダリマキマイマイ(腹足綱:ナンバンマイマイ科)種内の形態変異と分子系統

Motohiro KAWASE, Kazuhisa NISHIO, Akihiko MORIYAMA, Takashi ICHIHARA and Eiichi SAKURAI: Morphological variation and molecular phylogeny of Euhadra scaevola group (Gastropoda: Camaenidae)



Takahiro HIRANO: Discovery of Gastrocopta theeli (Westerlund, 1877) (Gastropoda: Vertiginidae) from Heda, Numazu-shi, Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan


中島広樹・川久保晶博・福田 宏:長崎県九十九島におけるベッコウイモ(腹足綱:新生腹足類:イモガイ科)の生貝の発見,及び本種のインポセックスと保全上の重要性

Hiroki NAKASHIMA, Akihiro KAWAKUBO and Hiroshi FUKUDA: Discovery of live individuals of Chelyconus fulmen (Reeve, 1843) (Gastropoda: Caenogastropoda: Conidae) in the Kujukushima Islands, Nagasaki Prefecture, southwestern Japan, with emphasis on imposex and conservation significance of the species



Yoshihiro B. AKIYAMA, Toshikazu KIZUKA and Shuji MATSUMOTO: Current status on the occurrence of the freshwater bivalve Anemina arcaeformis (Heude, 1877) (Bivalvia: Unionoida) in Hyogo Prefecture, western Japan


山元綾弥香・佐藤慎一・東 幹夫:諫早湾潮受け堤防外側周辺海域における短期開門調査以降の底生動物相の経年変化:特に北部排水門外側定点で採集されたヒナノズキン(二枚貝綱:マルスダレガイ目:ウロコガイ上科)について

Ayaka YAMAMOTO, Shin'ichi SATO and Mikio AZUMA: Faunal change of benthic animals around the outer area of the Isahaya reclamation dike after the temporary opening of the water gates: special notes on the occurrence of Devonia semperi (Ohshima, 1930) (Bivalvia: Veneroida: Galeommatoidea) from the outer area of the northern water gate



Taichi WADA, Chihiro KAWABUCHI and Tomoyasu TAMEGO: Three rare gastropod molluscs collected from the upper parts of supratidal zones on cobble beaches of Narugashima Island and the Kitan Straits, Hyogo Prefecture, central Japan


齊藤 匠:東日本大震災後の宮城県で発見された絶滅危惧種ミズコハクガイ(腹足綱:ヒラマキガイ科)の新産地

Takumi SAITO: New localities of an endangered species Gyraulus soritai Habe, 1976 (Gastropoda: Planorbidae) in Miyagi Prefecture after the Great East Japan Earthquake


会記 Proceedings

総会議事録,会員異動,入会案内,Molluscan Diversity 投稿規定
