日時:2005年9月29日(木)15:00-17:00 入場無料場所:東邦大学理学部4号館2階 大学院セミナー室
Ecology of Invasive Crabs and the Success of Japanese Species Abroad
by Dr. Andrew M Lohrer
National Institute for Water & Atmospheric Research, New Zealandアメリカ北大西洋岸で優占種となった日本からの移出種イソガニの生態を日本とアメリカ双方で研究したDr. Drew Lohrerより日本産カニの新天地侵入について紹介していただきます。ニュージーランドではイシガニの侵入も認められました。日本からの海洋生物の世界規模の人為的侵出について理解する機会になります。ご参加お待ちします。なお終了後懇親会を予定しています。どなたでも実費で参加できます。
Ecology of invasive crabs and the success
of Japanese species abroad.
This lecture will begin with a brief overview of successful invasions by marine brachyuran crabs to United States coastlines, followed by discussion of one recent invasion by a crab species common in Japan (Hemigrapsus sanguineus). Much has been learned from comparative studies of this species in Japan and United States, and directly comparable data on resource utilization (e.g, habitat use and feeding habits) from the two countries has provided insights into its invasive success in the U.S. Next, the theory of post-establishment spread by invaders will be considered and the match between such models and the spread of H. sanguineus along the U.S. east coast will be discussed. Lastly, the role of predation by H. sanguineus as a structuring force in rocky intertidal habitats of the northeastern U.S. coast is considered. Ecological interactions between H. sanguineus and invasive green crabs (Carcinus maenas) and native blue mussels (Mytilus edulis) were assessed in the field and laboratory, and population level effects were calculated using per capita consumption rates and estimates of crab density. |